Monday, March 9, 2009

This and That

So I know that I've been slacking in the blogging department-so I'm here to catch up. It seems like time is running away from me and it's becoming a rather busy time for the family. So here is the lowdown on what everyone's up to:

Isabel: IS A SAD, SAD GIRL. She received news this week that she did not get into her school of choice-that means starting high school not knowing anybody. I told her she can do it though-that she's a likable, friendly girl.-She's growing up faster and faster on me-the next thing I'll know is that she will be ready to date and drive-OH MY!

Oliver:GAME ON: He has started lacrosse and is so excited that he wants to wear all his gear around the house all the time. He will sit watching TV cradling the ball back and forth with his stick. His first game is this Saturday and he is READY! Also he wanted everyone to see the cake that he and his dad did for the Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts where the father and sons had to make and decorate a cake designed around the theme of the Blue and Gold Cub Scouts. I think they did a very impressive job.

Miles:ON THE GO: This past week I chaperoned a field trip with Miles' class to the Nature and Science Museum where we visited the exhibits on Dinosaurs and Natural Disaster and watched an IMAX film on the Grand Canyon. I am so glad for TEACHERS! I was absolutely exhausted after trying to keep my small group together all day and keep them behaved-Is that really possible? Somehow we all survived-We had a great time but I told Trent I've done my trip for the year it's his turn next time.

Phoebe: FISH OR MERMAID: This little girl wants to live in the water. She's been having swimming lessons and LOVES IT(understatement). I've asked her if she wants to take a break and try dancing or something and she just says NO, I WANT TO SWIM. Alright then. She's getting pretty good-I think she really just wants to be able to keep up with the big kids in the water. All I can say is she always brings a smile or laugh to my face-funny girl that she is.

So there you have it-the low down on the kids. Nothing really changes with Trent and I, except for just a couple of things that make me happy for the moment-

1.My new spring bluebird, who waits for me to walk by his bell jar and look in and think-Spring is right around the corner! Aren't I cute?

2.Bliss- my new found love that I try to eat in moderation(no, really I do) Dove with Almonds-All I can say is heavenly-it melts in my mouth with just the littlest flecks of almond that make you say YUMMY! You should all really try some. Any time of day works for me.


The Easton Family said...

It's always nice to have an update...I can't believe how grown-up Isabel is and how beautiful she has become! almonds are good, but if you like hazelnuts, I've got a great one for you...Ritter Sport. It's a square bar, and must also be eaten in moderation---yummmmmy!!

Jacqui said...

I've never been a pure chocolate kind of girl. I love it to have something in it: caramel. nuts, toffee, crispies...mmmmm. I think I'd like that dove.

I'm sorry about Isabel! That stinks! But you're right, she'll do great whereever she goes.

Erika said...

Isabel is stunning. I can't believe what a woman she is becoming. That stinks about school of choice, but she is remarkable and will make great friends everywhere she goes.

I love the bluebird in the belljar! Too cute. Spring IS right around the corner but I really missed winter!

Melissa said...

Isabel will do great, you know she will. She is a great girl. I seriously like hangin' with her. Good updates on everyone. They are SO not the little ones they were when we met you. Crazy. Good to see you yesterday, thanks for giving me a day of sanity this week. It's been all downhill from there. I did, however, pick up that green bowl, just need me some lemons.