Thursday, May 21, 2009

Miss Smartypants

On Wednesday night Isabel was inducted to the National Junior Honor Society. She has worked very hard this year. She's kept up a high GPA as well as doing 25 required service hours. Isabel is so much better than I ever was. She makes me one proud mom! showing off her award
reciting the oath as her name was called


SnellieFam said...

Congratulations Isabel, YOu must have really great parents!

Melissa said...

I love your daughter, seriously. What a great girl she is! You should be mega proud. And is that the cute Boden skirt? LOVE it! I wish it came in my size. Too cute. Way to go Isabel!

hannah. said...

isn't it great to have grandparents that gave us some smarts?!
smart families are the best kind.
high fives to Isabel that little pearl.